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Gerrit Schipper
As an executive and entrepreneur, Gerrit Schipper has accumulated treasures of experience in the international technology domain. His career started at Philips in 1981 and, until 2017, included top positions at ABZ, ADP, RDC and Geodan NEXT International, among others.
Gerrit Schipper was Executive Director of the Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics (ECDA) until this year before moving to the Advisory Board. Since 2020, he has also been involved on behalf of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) as part-time Program Director in the Data, AI & Digitalization Convergence Alliance, in which EUR collaborates with ErasmusMC and TU Delft. Since 2017, Schipper has been a supervisor at NEMO Science Museum, among others, and an advisor to Recharge Earth and chairman of the BDR Project Foundation, which is dedicated to educating especially girls and women in technical professions.
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