Stop playing catch-up, start becoming a Digital Enterprise

There is an important difference between a digital leader and a digital follower. The digital leader understands that staying relevant in this digital age is not just about technology adoption but a strategic rethinking of how your company operates and competes. The digital leader mindfully shapes the digital future of their company while the follower plays ‘catch-up’ with digital trends. Ask yourself: do you want to become a true Digital Enterprise or a Catch-up Enterprise?

These three reasons explain why leading companies are transforming into a Digital Enterprise.

Leading companies transform to Digital Enterprises because they want to: 

  • Stay ahead: because superior digital capabilities outpace competitors. 
  • Enhance customer experiences: because a unified and distinctive customer experience requires an integrated mix of digital propositions, products, channels and services. 
  • Excel operationally: because a modern and simplified operational backbone enables a scalable, connected and efficient organization. 

By developing superior digital capabilities, leading companies stay ahead of competitors, create exceptional customer experiences and all while being efficient, flexible and connected.

We are all dealing with the same challenges, but leaders handle them differently.

Organizations across the board face stubborn challenges and aspire certain benefits: pains and gains. With our annual Digital Business Monitor, as Anderson MacGyver, we measure the situation within European organizations. From this we distill a top 5 of pains and gains for board members. Top pains are legacy systems, data fragmentation and attracting and retaining digital talent. Famous gains are scalability and operational excellence. If you are curious to know what the pains and gains of your peers are, read the results of our Digital Business Monitor

Regardless of what their dominant pains are, leading organizations distinguish themselves by hów they navigate these issues. Leaders are working towards a Digital Enterprise, while the rest is playing catch-up.

The Catch-up Enterprise

Often driven by the necessity of survival rather than a vision for the future, these companies adopt new technologies when they feel the pressure to do so to avoid obsolescence. Their technology strategy is more about staying afloat in the changing technological landscape than thriving or leading.


The Digital Enterprise

A forward-thinking company that embeds digital technology at the core of its business strategies. The Digital Enterprise proactively seeks out and implements digital technology to drive innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage. This type of company is characterized by a culture of continuous improvement and agility, making it well-equipped to anticipate market changes and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Step one towards success in this digital age: understand the Digital Enterprise. 

The visual below shows a model of the Digital Enterprise, placed within the context of its digital ecosystem, customers, partners and other stakeholders.  

Within the digital organization itself, we distinguish five building blocks that, in combination, give the organization its right to exist: front end, back end, digital infrastructure, shared data and digital smartness. All these five components are strongly interrelated, to ensure smooth internal processes and the desired interoperability with the external digital ecosystem. 

  1. Customer experience (front end): Digital enterprises enhance customer engagement and experience through innovative front-end technologies that drive market adaptability and consumer interaction. 
  1. Operational backbone (back end): The back end focuses on operational efficiency and scalability, leveraging digitization to automate processes and integrate systems for streamlined operations within its ecosystem. 
  1. Digital infrastructure: The basic facilities that are necessary to function have evolved. In the digital age, everything is connected to everything. Integrated cloud services, cybersecurity, and extensive connectivity solutions are part of a modern digital foundation.  
  1. Shared data: Centralized and integrated data management is crucial for enabling distinctive customer experiences and efficient operational processes in digital enterprises. 
  1. Digital smartness: Digital enterprises optimize both customer interactions and back-end operations through advanced analytics and automation, utilizing AI and machine learning to enhance decision making and operational efficiency.

Stop playing catch-up, start becoming a Digital Enterprise. Accelerate your ambitions and feel welcome at Anderson MacGyver. Contact our passionate experts (see below) to discuss your situation and the fastest way forward.

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Anderson MacGyver

The core purpose of Anderson MacGyver is to harness the unrealized business value for our clients by leveraging the powerful potential of technology & data. We provide strategic advice and guidance to board members and senior management to shape and drive their digital journey.