Publications ‘That actually makes every track fascinating and fun’

‘That actually makes every track fascinating and fun’

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When we ask organizations what makes Anderson MacGyver unique, we often hear that the collaboration is seen as particularly pleasant. But who are the companies actually working with? Who are the colleagues making an impact at large organizations we work for internationally? In this series of articles, several colleagues write about their experience with the field, what role they play and what advice they have for future professionals.

This edition focuses on Tim Beswick. He has now been working for Anderson MacGyver for 3 years and before that gained experience in his career in various positions within the Digital Enterprise domain. Now he works from our office in IJsselstein. “I am currently working as an advisor to a digital & data leadership team. In that role I focus on data strategy, data strategy execution program mobilization, data value roadmapping and generative AI enablement & governance. I also do various things around the continued development of Anderson MacGyver. “I am a member of Anderson MacGyver Data to Value Guild and work there on the development of the relevant proposition and IP,” Tim says.

Tim is also part of the “Change Activators” initiative. This initiative is focused on channeling knowledge and experience and thereby further strengthening our client impact around change management. “And I am working on streamlining the organization of our account management for one of our largest clients so that we can make even more impact with this organization. “ Of course, he does this in addition to his role as a consultant. “I get happy when people say to me that my efforts have helped them move forward as a person; through an independent perspective, by sharing knowledge or experience, by organizing or simplifying something or by taking (some) of the work off their hands. It doesn’t really matter much to me. In addition, the consulting profession also brings with it something I consider a privilege; “namely, the opportunity to meet new people in new environments on a regular basis.”

What has he enjoyed the most so far? A tough choice, because for Tim, working with people and learning their different perspectives is very important in his work. “That makes actually every trajectory fascinating and fun. There is a nuance of content in that, though. Setting and deploying direction in complex environments with multidisciplinary teams for the sake of a more digital and data-driven future is something I love. Therefore, if I really had to choose, this content perspective would be the distinguishing factor and I would end up with these two trajectories; the getting started with data program for a corporate health service provider and data strategy development & program mobilization for a high-voltage grid operator.”

Power of a true team
Four years ago, Tim came to a crossroads in his career. He then turned to an environment where the focus was more on teamwork and customer impact. Whether that choice turned out right? “Yes. My Anderson MacGyver colleagues showed me the power of a true team. I can often be found along the line of many different soccer fields. So let me use an analogy to explain what I mean. You have soccer players who think that a team consists of a striker who must score, defenders who must defend and so on. You also have, mostly more successful, teams that know that if the top striker has double man coverage, there are always opportunities freed up for other players on the flanks or from the second line.”

“Anderson MacGyver is such a successful team. We know each other’s strengths but are all ready to do whatever it takes in any role to help the client and each other. My short bio includes the slogan: ‘Together we can do so much.’ The Anderson MacGyver team understands this like no other.” In the short term, Tim also has personal ambitions. “I would like to focus a little more on using my strengths in organizations that strive to make a social impact. And within that context, want to do even more teamwork with authentic people and learn from their perspectives.”

Gain ‘flying hours’ in specific areas
What advice Tim would like to pass along to people who are planning their careers? “What I immediately had to think about in response to this question is that my professional journey has been different than starting as a consultant as a college dropout. I still sometimes talk about this with colleagues who have been around a little less. Consulting is a profession in itself and requires specific skills. I believe that in addition to these specific skills, a consultant’s impact is influenced by the ability to really understand what certain changes mean for the people involved.”

“Therefore, make sure you get into the skin of the people the consultancy is about and the work involved,” Tim continued. “At Anderson MacGyver, we actually do this all the time; typically we’re not just in the boardroom presenting clever slides but most of the time we’re in the middle of the client organization and alongside the people who the consulting is about. I would advise to also occasionally go a step further and roll up your sleeves as a consultant and do some flying hours yourself in specific areas. In practice, this already happens regularly in Anderson MacGyver assignments.”

‘Make sure you stay yourself’
As Tim made clear earlier in his story, “people” are an important part of his vision and passion for the field. As such, this is part of his advice. “A second point is staying alert that you are and remain yourself. There are a thousand and one impulses in the consulting profession to step outside yourself and take on a role. That’s the profession of acting and not the profession of consulting; a consultant is ultimately most impactful when they feel good about themselves that requires you to be close to yourself. Being yourself also means making yourself vulnerable, being open to reflections and feedback and being willing to try new things.”

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