Financial services

Financial services have been undergoing a digital transition for years. This development at banks, insurance companies and pension funds is ongoing to this day. Designing and implementing digital and agile organizations is one of our specialties. In this way, Anderson MacGyver ensures future-proof digital strategies in the financial sector.

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Featured client stories

Restructuring IT of non-profit Nationaal Restauratiefonds

Nationaal Restauratiefonds

“Anderson MacGyver proved invaluable during the contracting of our new IT supplier.”

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Multimodal transformation of Dutch pension fund

Pensioenfonds Horeca & Catering

Pensioenfonds Horeca & Catering (PH&C) is the Dutch pension fund for employees in the hospitality and catering industry. With the strategic objective of creating more customer value at low cost, PH&C developed an omni channel strategy and started a cloud transformation. These changes required an organization that would be structured and prepared for a new way of working. That is where Anderson MacGyver came in.

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Building Univé’s customer-centric IT organization


“The strength of Anderson MacGyver is a combination of inspiration, clout, hands-on mentality, organizational knowledge, vision, strategy and pragmatism.”

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Anderson MacGyver

The core purpose of Anderson MacGyver is to harness the unrealized business value for our clients by leveraging the powerful potential of technology & data. We provide strategic advice and guidance to board members and senior management to shape and drive their digital journey.