Through our annual Digital Business Monitor, we seek to better understand the key drivers and challenges faced by digital leaders. This year’s survey results, supplemented by interviews, have revealed compelling insights. 

  • What can we learn from digital leaders in their digital journeys? 
  • What challenges are they confronted with? 
  • And what investment decisions do these leaders make in building their Digital Enterprise? 

Download our full report to explore these findings in depth. 

At Anderson MacGyver we love to help organizations get more value out of their data. And we believe that both in business and society data will make an increasingly larger impact. Whether it is the connecting flow between systems, the ability to make better decisions based on new insights, or the direct commercial value that data has, every organization has an opportunity to make a positive impact with data. However, capitalizing on these opportunities typically requires a journey with hurdles along the way. Data may not be available or of poor quality, teams may not see the opportunities, or technological challenges arise. The data journey is never dull. 

To progress on this journey, it requires a thorough understanding of the current challenges and opportunities. In other words, you need to understand where on the journey you are located. To help clients in this, we developed a Data Capability Assessment. A thorough, yet easy-to-understand assessment covering a wide range of data capabilities. Before diving into such an exercise, we believe that on a high level we can already help you in understanding your current situation. Therefore we invite you to download our Data to Value Quickscan. A quick and easy scan that you can execute yourself and should not take longer than 5 minutes.   

Download the Quickscan if you’re interested in…

  • Understanding where you should focus your attention to in your data to value journey
  • Learning about the approach Anderson MacGyver developed for transforming data to value
  • Receiving inspiration that could help you make the next step in unravelling the value of Data and AI


Download Quickscan

Everyone knows that business activities and the technology landscape are inextricably linked. The rapidly changing economic and social dynamics can lead to a less well-suited technology landscape. To make the technology landscape ‘fit for future’, modern, future-proof and aligned with the business strategy, a holistic vision of the future with a corresponding roadmap is required.

What is this theme paper about?

You want to start making your technology landscape future-proof, in other words ‘fit-for-future’. But one thing is certain, an old ERP or other IT systems are ideally not the starting point in the journey to a future-proof landscape. So, where do you start? And how does this work in real-life? Read this theme paper. We hope to inspire you.

Download the theme paper

What can you expect in this theme paper?

  • Useful tools, models and approaches
  • Three customer experiences from last years
  • Tips from our experts on what to look out for
Download themepaper

Interested in Anderson MacGyver’s solutions for digital services?

Contact our specialists! We are happy to assist you.

Anderson MacGyver

The core purpose of Anderson MacGyver is to harness the unrealized business value for our clients by leveraging the powerful potential of technology & data. We provide strategic advice and guidance to board members and senior management to shape and drive their digital journey.